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Below are listed 20 uses of Lemon essential oil. Some of the uses are health focused, and others are handy ways to use your lemon around the house. Who knew that a $10 bottle of essential oil could be so versatile?!

  1. Lemon essential oil can help to improve mood and combat depression.
  2. Add 1 – 2 drops to tough-to-clean sticky spots such as tape, glue, or gum and it will easily remove the stickiness (use a clean rag to wipe the area).
  3. Improve your limbic system and stimulate memory by breathing lemon essential oil.
  4. Apply lemon essential oil to exposed skin as a natural insect repellent.
  5. Lemon essential oil has natural anticancer properties.
  6. Avoid illness by boosting the immune system, lemon contains natural antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  7. Cold sores may be prevented and/or treated with lemon essential oil.
  8. There are many cleansing benefits of lemon essential oil.
  9. Sanitize countertops by using a 4 ounce spray bottle with 5 drops of lemon essential oil: spray the counter, and wipe dry with a clean rag.
  10. Lemon may help to decrease the occurrence of gout flare-ups.
  11. Studies have found a link between lemon and stress relief.
  12. Lemon essential oil may be effective to fight MRSA.
  13. Laundry stains can often be removed with lemon essential oils.
  14. Lemon essential oil may help with heartburn by regulating stomach acid production.
  15. Athlete’s foot and nail fungus may be helped by applying lemon essential oil.
  16. Research has found that anxiety may be reduced by using lemon essential oil.
  17. Topical application can help with insect bites or stings.
  18. Clean fruit and vegetables with lemon essential oil.
  19. After using a public bathroom, apply lemon essential oil to your hands as a natural hand sanitizer.
  20. The natural cleansing effect of lemon essential oil may help to reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve circulation.
The list could go on and on… there are literally hundreds of ways that lemon essential oil can be used. I suggest keeping a good reference book in your home to help you understand which essential oils to use, how to use them, and when to use them.
Author: Becki Andrus;